

  1. After working on the final tidbits of the website I realize that it is a lot of work and for those of you who have developed your own website...congrats on a job well done! It is truly a lot of work, especially for someone who is not completely computer savvy in regards to web development. I have been blessed with the many opportunities I have had to travel and take great photos. I just recently came back from a brief trip to Tucson, Arizona with a buddy of mine. We took some great lightening pictures. I have emailed some friends and family the picture and I hope many of you enjoyed it! It was a fantastic experience! For those who know me, know that sometimes those are the things I live for aside for my Lord and family.

  2. Well, it's been several months later since I've posted anything. It has been very hectic at home, work, and with Relyck. Since my last post, we've been blessed to have another beautiful girl on December 4,2009. Sasha Imani Lycklama was born! The girls can't help themselves, Bella and Nadia smother her. Photography has been great. Again, always thankful to have the ability to do what I love and get paid for it. Right now it's crazy at home because I'm coaching Track again. I find it harder each year to coach and be away from my girls for that long. But again it's all worth it so that my wife can stay home to care for our children.
